Chapter 24 -- Counting in Spanish
The number system used in Spanish is identical to that used in several other languages, English included.
There are some differences in usage, and there is one notation difference, namely the use of commas and periods in writing numbers.
In English, we use a period to separate the decimal places from the units, but in Spanish, a comma is used.
example: English $1,339,227.12 Spanish $1.339.227,12
All other notation in the use of numbers is the same as in English, as are the symbols used in mathematics.
Curiously, the dollar sign used in English originated from the Spanish symbol for the peso.
Cardinal numbers | Ordinal numbers* | |||||
zero | 0 | cero | ||||
one | 1 | uno | first | 1 | primero* | |
two | 2 | dos | second | 2 | segundo | |
three | 3 | tres | third | 3 | tercero | |
four | 4 | cuatro | fourth | 4 | cuarto | |
five | 5 | cinco | fifth | 5 | quinto | |
six | 6 | seis | sixth | 6 | sexto | |
seven | 7 | siete | seventh | 7 | séptimo | |
eight | 8 | ocho | eighth | 8 | octavo | |
nine | 9 | nueve | ninth | 9 | noveno | |
ten | 10 | diez | tenth | 10 | décimo | |
eleven | 11 | once | eleventh | 11 | decimoprimero/undécimo | |
twelve | 12 | doce | twelveth | 12 | decimosegundo/duodécimo | |
thirteen | 13 | trece | thirteenth | 13 | decimotercero | |
fourteen | 14 | catorce | fourteenth | 14 | decimocuarto | |
fifteen | 15 | quince | fifteenth | 15 | decimoquinto | |
sixteen | 16 | dieciseis/diez y seis | sixteenth | 16 | decimosexto | |
seventeen | 17 | diecisiete/diez y siete | seventeenth | 17 | decimoséptimo | |
eighteen | 18 | dieciocho/diez y ocho | eighteenth | 18 | decimoctavo | |
nineteen | 19 | diecinueve/diez y nueve | nineteenth | 19 | decimonoveno | |
twenty | 20 | veinte | twentieth | 20 | vigésimo | |
twentyone | 21 | veinte y uno/veintiuno | twentyfirst | 21 | veinte primero | |
twentytwo | 22 | veinte y dos | twentysecond | 22 | veinte segundo | |
twentythree | 23 | veinte y tres | twentythird | 23 | veinte tercero | |
twentyfour | 24 | veinte y cuatro | twentyfourth | 24 | veinte cuarto | |
twentyfive | 25 | veinte y cinco | twentyfifth | 25 | veinte quinto | |
twentysix | 26 | veinte y seis | twentysixth | 26 | veinte sexto | |
twentyseven | 27 | veinte y siete | twentyseventh | 27 | veinte séptimo | |
twentyeight | 28 | veinte y ocho | twentyeighth | 28 | veinte octavo | |
twentynine | 29 | veinte y nueve | twentyninth | 29 | veinte noveno | |
thirty | 30 | treinta | thirtieth | 30 | trigésimo | |
thirtythree | 33 | treinta y tres | thirtythird | 33 | treinta tercero | |
fourty | 40 | cuarenta | fourtieth | 40 | cuadragésimo | |
fourtyfour | 44 | cuarenta y cuatro | fourtyfourth | 44 | cuadragésimo cuarto | |
fifty | 50 | cincuenta | fiftieth | 50 | quincuagésimo | |
fiftyfive | 55 | cincuenta y cinco | fiftyfifth | 55 | quincagésimo quinto | |
sixty | 60 | sesenta | sixtieth | 60 | sexagésimo | |
sixtysix | 66 | sesenta y seis | sixtysixth | 66 | sexagésimo sexto | |
seventy | 70 | setenta | seventieth | 70 | septuagésimo | |
seventyseven | 70 | setenta y siete | seventyseventh | 77 | septuagésimo séptimo | |
eighty | 80 | ochenta | eightieth | 80 | octogésimo | |
eightyeight | 88 | ochenta y ocho | eightyeighth | 88 | octogésimo octavo | |
ninety | 90 | noventa | nintieth | 90 | nonagésimo | |
ninetynine | 99 | noventa y nueve | ninetyninth | 99 | nonagésimo noveno | |
one hundred | 100 | cién | onehundredth | 100 | centésimo | |
one hundred one | 101 | ciento uno | onehundredfirst | 101 | centésimo primero | |
two hundred | 200 | dosciento* | twohundredth | 200 | ducentésimo | |
two hundred twentytwo | 222 | doscientoveinte y dos | ||||
three hundred | 300 | tresciento | threehundredth | 300 | trecientésimo | |
three hundred thirytthree | 333 | trescientotrenta y tres | ||||
four hundred | 400 | cuatrociento | four hundredth | 400 | cuadringentésimo | |
four hundred fourtyfour | 444 | cuatrocientocuarenta y cuatro | ||||
five hundred | 500 | quiniento | five hundredth | 500 | quingentésimo | |
five hundred fiftyfive | 555 | quinientocincuenta y cinco | ||||
six hundred | 600 | seciento | six hundredth | 600 | sexcentésimo | |
six hundred sixtysix | 666 | secientosesenta y seis | ||||
seven hundred | 700 | seteciento | seven hundredth | 700 | septingentésimo | |
seven hundred seventyseven | 777 | setecientosetenta y siete | ||||
eight hundred | 800 | ochociento | eight hundredth | 800 | octingentésimo | |
eight hundred eightyeight | 888 | ochocientoochenta y ocho | ||||
nine hundred | 900 | noveciento | nine hundredth | 900 | noningentésimo | |
nine hundred ninetynine | 999 | novecientonoventa y nueve | ||||
one thousand | 1.000 | mil | one thousandth | 1.000 | milésimo | |
one thousand one | 1.001 | mil uno | ||||
ten thousand | 10.000 | diez mil | ||||
one million | 1.000.000 | millión | one millionth | 1.000.000 | millionésimo |
When the exact number 100 is meant, the word cién is used; in all other cases, the word ciento is used.
Due to the fact that the word cien is a contraction of the word ciento, when it is written it is shown without an accent, but when spoken, the accent is on the letter e as it would be in the word ciento.
* Due to the fact that all numbers are adjectives, they must agree in gender, and be in singular or plural with the noun they modify. Some examples follow.
in first place en primer lugar
[ uno, primero and tercero are shortened to un, primer and tercer when they precede a singular, masculine noun]
in second place en segundo lugar
near the third door cerca de la tercera puerta
on the fifth page en la quinta página
the tenth part la décima parte
on the eleventh floor en el undécimo piso
the fifteenth player el decimoquinto jugador
the twentieth time la vigésima vez
the thirtieth month el trigésimo més
the first ten members los primeros diez miembros
After the number ten, the tendency is to replace ordinal numbers with cardinal numbers. Instead of saying “the thirtysixth page”, they tend to say “page thirtysix”.
Some ways of expressing numbers
We celebrate the Fourth of July | Celebramos el cuatro de julio |
She's fourtyish | Ella tiene de unos cuarenta años |
I wrote to him on the fifth | Le escribí en el cinco |
We have a thiry percent chance of rain | Tenemos un chance de treinta por ciento de lluvia |
He is in his twenties | Es un veinteañero |
twenty-odd; about twenty; early twenties | Tiene veintipocos |
thirty something; late 30's | Tiene treintatantos |
twentyfold; twenty times | veinte veces |
In Spain, like most European countries, the metric system of measurement is used for distance, volume, and weight.
All of the standard terminology is used in ordinary speech, with one exception, which is that instead of kilogramo, a shortened form, kilo, is used.
It is common to hear “un kilo” or “dos kilos”. It is understood that the letter k is imported from Greek, and is not a Spanish letter.
Positives and negatives
positive | negative |
acá, right here | allá, way over there |
algo, something | nada, nothing |
alguien, someone, somebody | nadie, no one, nobody |
alguno, some, any | ninguno, none, not any |
aquí, here | ahí, allí, there, over there |
bién, well | malo, bad |
con, with | sin, without |
demasiado, too much | apenas, hardly, scarcely |
muchas veces, often | raras veces, seldom |
mucho, a lot, many | poco, little, a few |
muy, very | apenas, hardly |
o ... o, either ... or | ni ... ni, neither ... nor |
por primera vez, for the first time | por última vez, for the last time |
sí, yes | no, no, not |
siempre, always | nunca, jamas, never, not ever |
también, also, too | tampoco, neither, nope |
una vez, once | ninguna vez, at no time |
This book is available from under item number 3352644. Books purchased from Lulu are accompanied by a complete list of irregular verbs and all of their forms.
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